Sunday 19 August 2012

Being a hero!

I've just completed 4 seasons of this TV show called Heroes(Click link to know more). Must say it was an amazing journey indeed. Of all the things that impressed me, the biggest being the use of language! Took me back to the days where playing with words amused me.. :P

One question that strikes is what it means to be a hero!! Is it just having powers? Not at all.. Its making use of them for the greater good! (yeah sounds like a dialogue in a sci-fi, but it relates to everyone, everything we do). One has potential, to do what, is the big question which gets answered in bits and pieces as life progresses. Lets see some phases of what takes one from being a normal person to a hero ;)


There is a phase in life where you don't just go with the wind! We're more than just a small bit of paper which can be carried along by the wind. We turn into someone constantly seeking direction, an ultimate purpose in life. Living a life of happiness, success and one with a meaning rather than just surviving each day as it comes by. You want to go out there and make a difference, more in yourself than in the insanely crowded world! Its the most confusing phase as you wouldn't just know what exactly to do, like a drunk monkey with thoughts wandering here and there.. :P

Seeking companionship and support

Its in your friends and family that u find support. The encouragement and aspiration to make your dreams come true(the good ones of-course :P ). With or without your knowledge, people around you have made a difference in your life, in the various events that occurred, in the numerous thoughts that inculcated. That's the biggest reason its of great importance to choose your partners rightly. Its more than just settling with the protection provided by the circle of people around you, its living with them and understanding what it means to care, to help one another in deeds no matter small or big.

Fight your way

Lotta fights have to be fought(not literally, most of them in ur mind with urself;) ). Once you know what direction you are headed, there will be a few sacrifices we need to make. And yes, you will do anything it takes to reach there. Cos the desire to accomplish what you are passionate about will win over anything that's stopping you.

Meeting Villains on the way

Everyone has to overcome obstacles during their journey of life. Some fought easy, some tough. We may make a lotta enemies on the way. Some use it for negative motivation to ultimately do what they want, some just ignore and stick to their hearts' desire:) Which way is right? Well its simple if you just stick to what works for you. The key is to be human at all times and remember  our conscience lives through us forever so we shouldn't end up doing something we regret.(I'm not talking abt killing someone :P but dealing with people who don't like you gets complicated!).


Get up every time you fall, easier said than done! Life gets tougher as it goes, but again, we get used to it and better at handling things which might make it easy. But there would be a lotta times where we would give a thought to giving up. Its when you overcome this phase and keep fighting that you become a hero, in your own eyes, to do what you want to do the most!

Being the Good Guy

Yeah thats what everybody wants to be at the end of day! Whatever you have done so far, you would want to earn the respect of people around you and to acknowledge your good deeds. An important thing to remember as a hero is that you need to do good deeds without expecting anything in return! An act of total selflessness is always appreciated by all. And remember, there is no need to prove to anyone what you are. Friends who know you would always stand by your side, and the others? Its their badluck, just move on, you end up meeting a lotta wonderful people in this world. Losing a few shouldn't really stop you!

Becoming a Hero

What happens after you become a hero? Well, sustaining what we got is a strategy not learnt from books but with experiences. Experiences which spread out over the years. A true hero is one who knows how to handle his powers, not get overwhelmed by it but use it wisely(thats in the tv series, in real life i mean-no need to show off :P being humble and sensible will take you a long long way)!

There are times to enjoy, there are times we are serious. We get easily bored doing one thing for long, balancing both is when we start enjoying what we do! Then work wont feel like work, life would be fun all the time! Have fun folks... :)

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