Thursday 18 August 2011

What is the hype abt the Lokpal bill??

Hey guys.. :) 

Im sure everyone would have been hearing on n off about the Jan LokPal Bill. We all want to support the cause, but a very few of us entirely know what Anna Hazare is fighting for.  That isn't a problem as if a person feels he/she is fighting for the right cause and is on the right side, that would be enough.

But, knowing little makes us less serious about the Bill. It leaves us with a teenager in us who just wants to protest without knowing the seriousness or complications of the issue. So I just wanted to take my time and know some of the points which give light on the topic..

Btw, did you guys know Anna Hazare was a key activist who brought about the revolutionary RTI act in India? :)

What is the Jan Lokpal bill about?
The Jan Lokpal bill is a set of rules n guidelines which would ensure the eradication of corruption in our country(long process but this is the path).

Who is it composed of?
The Lokpal bill details committees of two types, one at the national level and the other at the state level. The committee will contain 10members and a chairperson. At the level there would be a Lokpal as the chair person, and at the state level there would be a Lok Ayukth as the chairperson. 

Who is it for?
Its for you and me..  For the common man who loves India to progress and not let corruption erode it.
As in the picture below, clearly, the bill is for YOU as he says.

What do I have in it? does it help me?
The jan Lokpal bill is the result of every Indian wanting to bring about a change. A change such that a normal thing such as applying for a voters id or passport doesn't deal with bribery but just the regular procedure.
YOU are the base of the bill, the bill entitles a citizen to fight for his right and  get things done legally. Take for example applying for a voter's ID. If the officer fails to issue it to you at the max within 30days, you can appeal to the higher authority. If the higher authority also doesnt pay heed to your request, you can file a complaint with the Lok Ayuktha of the state. The lokAyukth wil look into the matter as a missue of bribery due to which you couldnt get your work done. The lok Ayukth will ensure you get your voter ID within 30days.

Will it work out?
The Team Anna has many experts who analysed the bill and have full confidence in it. After all, if there is somethin thats goin to help us, why avoid it? :p

How do we ensure the Lokpal committee works correctly?
Firstly, there would be a searching and selection committee which would select just and honest officers in the panel. Then continuously we can monitor the progress of the committee(YOU the public can check it) via the website. All information such as who is the complainant, against whom, what was the  complaint, was it solved, if so what is the action etc will be recorded and posted on the website. Hence anyone can keep a check on the officers.

What if I feel a officer in the Lokpal committee is corrupt?
You can appeal to the supreme court and if at the first hearing itself the truth is proven, the officer would be removed and punished, else the hearing would go on as the court orders.

What are the main differences?
To start off with, the whole hype about the jan Lokpal bill is due to the differences only. Some minor which can be reaxed, but some major which protect the corrupt more than punishing them!!
Here I list few of the differences after reading the both the drafts and the material published by :)

Jan Lokpal Draft Government's Draft

  The PMO(Prime Minister's office) should be allowed to be investigated or prosecuted by the Lokpal.                    

  The PMO if under the lokpal could bring about shame to the country hence NO.

The Judiciary also should be answerable to cases of coruption dealt by the Lokpal.

  The judiciary must be left alone.(which means only misbehaviuor can be
monitored and not bribery by corrupt judges.)

  Check the bribery for votes and for chance to speak in parliament.  

  The Government has no say on this!!

  Lokpal should be set up at the center and state level
  The current bill speaks only at the national level not state.
  No charges on false complaints by citizens(the validity of complaint will be checked by lokpal alone)
  If the complaint is false, citizen gets TWO years MINIMUM imprisonment(guys plz note that minimum imprisonment for a corrupt official itself is just 6months)

  The whistleblowers should be protected and will be gaurded by the lokpal

  The Government doesnt mention anything about this!!

  The CBI's anti corruption branch should be merged with the lokpal committee.

  The government wants to retain it.

From these differences, its very much evident  that what the government wants is just another puppet like it maintains the CBI!!  Which would render the struggle useless..

Puppet in the hands of the govt!!

Thats the very reason all of us are fighting towards passing this bill(voice of democracy). The BJP cleverly escaped telling we support his struggle to "fast" though we have differences in views. Which gives us a hint that any government would be reluctant to pass such a bill which would expose the government's flaws in itself!!

Here is what you can do:

  • Keep yourself aware of the progress of the bill.
  • If someone asks you what its about, know enough to brief them :)
  • When free, join protests(not jus for fun) but to meet like minded people to know more about the bill.
  • Try analysing the difficulties n see if you can give some solutions.
  • Spread the word and stay strong!! :)

Sources: I mostly referred to the material in the India Against Corruption site :)


  1. Good research..:) hope it will work out..

  2. yup it must :) many politicians trying their best to curb it telling it wont help and there is parliament already.. but we all know how much it works.. :/

  3. Thank you thank you :-)Thank you thank you :-)

  4. Syeda Noorunnisa19 August 2011 at 08:45

    good work balaji... really informative..:)

  5. Thanku bro :-)Thanku bro :-)
